Anselm Berrigan
Anselm Berrigan’s most recent book of poetry is Don’t Forget to Love Me, from Wave Books. He is the 2025 Bagley-Wright Lecturer.
Biswamit Dwibedy
Biswamit Dwibedy is the author of five collections of poetry, published in India and the United States, which include Ozalid (1913 Press), Hubble Gardener (Spuyten Duyvil), MC3 (Essay Press), and Ancient Guest (HarperCollins). In 2012, he edited a dossier of Indian poetry in translation from seven different regional languages for Aufgabe, published by Litmus Press, New York. In addition to his creation in literature, Dwibedy has taught creative writing and arts practice at the Srishti Institute of Art, Design, and Technology in Bangalore, India, and now teaches at the American University of Paris.
Ulrich Jesse Baer
Ulrich Jesse K Baer was born in GA and grew up beneath southern power plants. He has a science fiction chapbook with Essay Press (At One End, 2020), a full-length with Apocalypse Party (Midwestern Infinity Doctrine, 2021), and a full-length poetry book with Red Hen Press (Deer Black Out, 2024). His book Beyond The Planet of the Vampires will be published by Clash in 2025. He has been included in journals such as FENCE, Baest, and The Tiny. He loves horses.
Mina Khan
Mina Khan’s writing delves into anger as an act of protest, mourning, and collective healing. A queer Korean-Pakistani first-generation American, they write into patterns of grief and subjugation. Mina’s work nests between nations, generations. They are the recipient of the Olin Fellowship and the Reed Prize, and have been published in several journals, such as Lammergeier, Five:2:One and decomP magazinE. They recently completed their BA at Wesleyan University and are now an MFA Candidate at Columbia University.
Mason Leaver-Yap
Mason Leaver-Yap works with artists to produce essays, books, exhibitions, and events. Their recent projects include work with Uri Aran, Leslie Thornton, Lucy McKenzie, Hanne Darboven, Andrea Büttner, Shahryar Nashat, Ellen Cantor, Moyra Davey, Pat Hearn, Jesse Jones, Dexter Sinister, Park McArthur, Charlotte Prodger, James Richards, and Radclyffe Hall. They are based in Glasgow and Berlin.
Sueyeun Juliette Lee
Sueyeun Juliette Lee grew up three miles from the CIA. Raised by immigrant Korean war survivors and orphans, she currently lives in Denver, Colorado. She's published five poetry books, most recently Aerial Concave Without Cloud (Nightboat, 2022). She is a former Pew Fellow in the Arts for Poetry and has been awarded arts residencies in the US and internationally in poetry, video art, and movement. She has published numerous essays on Asian American writing and contemporary US experimental poetry, and ran Corollary Press, a chapbook series dedicated to experimental multi-ethnic writing, from 2006-2016. Her video, performance, and installation art have been presented at The Blaffer Museum of Art (TX), Leon Gallery (CO), The Asian Arts Initiative (PA), Artworks Center for Contemporary Art (CO), Chicago’s IN>TIME Performance Art Festival (IL), and Georgia Gallery (CO). Her interests include ecological philosophy, collapse, diaspora movements, and human perception, Find her at
Jennifer MacBain-Stephens
Jennifer MacBain-Stephens lives in the Midwest and is the author of four full length poetry collections: Your Best Asset is a White Lace Dress, (Yellow Chair Press, 2016), The Messenger is Already Dead, (Stalking Horse Press, 2017,) We’re Going to Need a Higher Fence, tied for first place in the 2017 Lit Fest Book Competition, and The Vitamix and the Murder of Crows, is recently out from Apocalypse Party. Work has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. Recent work can be seen at or is forthcoming from The Pinch, Black Lawrence Press, Quiddity, Prelude, Cleaver, Yalobusha Review, Zone 3, and Grist. More here
Aditi Machado
Aditi Machado is a poet and translator whose books include two poetry collections from Nightboat--Emporium (2020; James Laughlin Award) and Some Beheadings (2017; The Believer Poetry Award)--and a translation of Farid Tali’s novella Prosopopoeia (Action, 2016). She is also the author of several poetry chapbooks and an essay pamphlet titled The End (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2020). She teaches at the University of Cincinnati.
Fred Moten
Fred Moten is author of In the Break: The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition, Hughson’s Tavern, B. Jenkins, The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study (with Stefano Harney), The Feel Trio, The Little Edges and The Service Porch. He lives in Los Angeles and teaches at the University of California, Riverside.
Christopher Rey Pérez
Christopher Rey Pérez is a poet from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. He is the author of gauguin's notebook (&Now Books, '17) and Fayuca (diSONARE Editorial, '23), as well as the editor of Aliens Beyond Paradise/Alienígenas más allá del paraíso (Wendy’s Subway, ‘19). With Gabriel Finotti, Christopher publishes the multilingual and nomadic bookwork, Dolce Stil Criollo.
Emmalea Russo
Emmalea Russo is an artist, writer, and astrologer. Her interdisciplinary work focuses on intersections of poetry, media, and cosmology. Her books are G (2018) and Wave Archive (2019). Her essays, reviews, and poetry have appeared in Artforum, American Chordata, BOMB, The Brooklyn Rail, Bust, Cosmopolitan, Granta, Gulf Coast, Hyperallergic, Los Angeles Review of Books, SF MOMA’s Open Space, and elsewhere. She lives at the Jersey shore.
Zhou Sivan
Zhou Sivan (pen name of Nicholas Y. H. Wong) is author of three chapbooks, Zero Copula (Delete Press, 2015), Sea Hypocrisy (co-published by DoubleCross Press and Projective Industries, 2016), and The Geometry of Trees (Sputnik & Fizzle, 2022). His poems and review essays have appeared in Almost Island, Asian American Writers’ Workshop, Asymptote, Chicago Review, Counter, Full Stop Quarterly, Kisah Journal, and Lana Turner. From Malaysia, he has lived and worked in Singapore, the U.S. (Chicago and New York), and now teaches Chinese-English translation as Assistant Professor in the School of Chinese at the University of Hong Kong.
Ed Steck
Ed Steck is a writer in Pittsburgh, is author of The Garden, An Interface for a Fractal Landscape, David Horvitz: Newly Found Bas Jan Ader Film, others.
Divya Victor
Divya Victor is the author of Natural Subjects (2014), UNSUB (2015), Things To Do With Your Mouth (2014), Swift Taxidermies 1919-1922 (2014), Goodbye John! On John Baldessari (2012), and PUNCH (2011), among others. Her criticism and commentary have appeared in Journal of Commonwealth & Postcolonial Studies, Jacket2, and The Poetry Foundation’s Harriet. Her poetry has been translated into French and Czech. She lives in the United States and Singapore, where she is Assistant Professor of Poetry and Writing at Nanyang Technological University. Her next book, Kith, will be published by Fence Books and BookThug.
Orlando White
Orlando White is Diné of the Naaneesht’ézhi Tábaahí and born for the Naakai Diné’e. He is the author of two books of poetry, Bone Light (Red Hen Press, 2009), which Kazim Ali described as a “careful excavation on language and letters and the physical body” and LETTERRS (Nightboat Books, 2015) which received the Poetry Center Book Award. His poetry has appeared in journals and anthologies such as diSONARE, Poetry Magazine, When The Light Of The World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry, The Diné Reader: An Anthology of Navajo Literature and elsewhere. White teaches at Diné College located on the Navajo reservation.